Some Fundamental Principles of Radionics
Radionic theory and practice is based around the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed in the electro-magnetic field of the earth. Each life form has its own electro-magnetic field. Each field, if sufficiently distorted, will result in disease of the organism. Accepting the belief that everything is energy, radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values which are known as "rates" or in the form of geometric patterns. These rates or patterns provide the means by which the operator identifies and treats disease at a distance. Common among the field of radionics is the theory that there are a number of finely organized fields of energy which lie beyond those identified by science, and that these fields can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
The theory of making a distant diagnosis, the radionics operator exercises his intuitive skills which is traced back to the right hemisphere of the brain. The intuitive mind has access to information which lies beyond the reach of rational and logical abilities which appear to be meditated through the left brain hemisphere. To determine what the underlying causes of disease are, the operator can tune in both his mind and radionic instrument to the distance patient. The radionic operator is able to then determine with accuracy the correct treatment which will eliminate this underlying disease by identifying causes which may be hidden by clinical and more orthodox procedures. As previously stressed, a radionic diagnosis is not a medical diagnosis but a means of identifying and assessing the underlying causes which give rise to pathological states and their systems.
Radionic Treatment
Treatment can then be determined when the radionic diagnosis is finished and a complete health profile of the patient including all organ systems, psychological states and imbalances that are present in the energy structures. All pathological states and their causes have their own frequency of energy patterns. These can then be treated at a distance through the radionic instrument by employing 'rates' or geometric patterns. A witness, usually a drop of blood or a swatch of hair from the patient acts as a structural link between the operator, his radionic instrument and the patient. What it boils down to is that the treatment is the projection of healing energy patterns. Homeopathic remedies, colors, flower essences and herbal extracts can be added to the treatment if they are needed. Radionic treatment takes place at a non-physical level so it's non-invasive and it cannot harm any living tissue or produce any unnatural side effects.
While the use of radionics started out as a tool for medical diagnosis and treatment, it's certainly not limited in the least to only the medical community. Off shoots of radionics are wide-spread. Some notable names in the field include Dr. Wilhelm Reich with his orgone energy, T.G. Hieronymous and his eloptic energy and Royal Rife on up to the more recent works of Hulda Clarke, Charles Cosimano and Karl Hanz Weltz. What is becoming more and more apparent through the use of the machines is the realiization that we are all connected by some sort of energy matrix and that all energy is expressed in a vibrational rate.