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Crystals in Meditation
by Fire_Opal

Quartz crystals are an aid in meditation, as they have the ability to cut through confusion and help you tune into your Higher Self.
Take a cleansed crystal and "charge" it by centering yourself; then hold the crystal to your third eye. Program it with the purpose you wish to achieve. You can charge your crystal by focusing your desires into the luminous perfection of the crystal. When energy passes through a quartz crystal it becomes harmonized, and the natural balance is preserved. In practical terms, if the energies of the crystal user are not in balance, there will be a natural tendency of the crystal to correct and rebalance any energies that a person transmits through the crystal.
The natural tendency of the mineral kingdom is to create perfect balance and harmony. This elemental energy is largely directed by our Higher Will. We need only to tune into that Higher Self to live in harmony with ourselves, others and the world.
Use your crystal to help you achieve an altered state of mind to access information which you otherwise wouldn't know. Use the crystal as a focusing device to reach a quiet, meditative state. This altered state of awareness, sometimes called a trance state, allows you to delve deeply into the stored material of your subconscious to answer questions or to gain information. This trance state can also sensitize you to certain etheric vibrations so you can "see" the future or past.