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Crystal Cousins
by Fire_Opal

There are many other gemstones besides clear quartz crystal which can be enjoyable and beneficial. Many different types of beautifully polished gemstones which can be used for healing meditation, energy and enjoyment.
Gems come in many different colors, sizes, shapes, and varieties. Their material existence is also shown by their weight, hardness, and chemical composition. Their psychic or spiritual influence is shown to us by the inner geometric construction and vibrations; the shape and mathematical relationship of their crystals.
Nearly all gemstones are crystalline in structure. There are only a few which are not. Amber is fossilized tree sap. Coral is created by an underwater creature, and pearls are secretions. Opal is a member of the quartz group, but it lacks a crystal structure and is still in a comparatively watery state. Gemstones have a symmetry, and it is their relationship to the light which passes through them which makes them so valuable for our well-being.
Some gemstones are radiant, and some are receptive. General colors which are radiant include red: ruby, garnet, amethyst, ect. They will help you change your world. They are creative and expansive. The receptive stones are magnetic and help you to absorb what you need. They help manifest what you visualize, and draw your ideas into form. They have a feminine quality. Moonstones are receptive, as are green, black, or any dark stones. The softer stones are receptive. A few stones are receptive and radiant at the same time, like topaz.