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by Fire_Opal
(Querus alba)
Gender: Hot
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Deity:
Dagda, Dianus, Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Hercules, Herne, Cerridwen, Cernunnos,
Janus, Rhea, Cybele
Parts Used:
Leaves, Wood, Fruit (acorn)
Basic Powers:
Fertility, Protection, Longevity
Specific Uses:
The most sacred and royal of all the trees. Magical rites are often performed
in groves of oaks, and the most powerful mistletoe grows on these trees.
Burn oak leaves to purify the atmosphere. The wood makes excellent all
purpose wands. The acorn is a fertility nut of the highest powers, being
carried to help conceive and to promote sexual relations. It is also worn
or carried to preserve youthfulness, and to ward off illnesses. Hung in
windows, it protects the house. Several hundred years ago Witches wore
necklaces of acorns to symbolize the profile powers of nature. This was
especially popular during the winter months, when such a reassurance was
comforting among the deep snows. Men carry the acorn to increase their
own sexual attractiveness and prowess, or to cure impotency. When you gather
leaves, acorns or branches, pour a libation of wine on the roots of the
oak. Gather the acorns during the day, leaves and wood at night. Fell oaks
only in the wane of the Moon.