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St. John's Wort
by Fire_Opal

(Hypericum perforatum)
Folk Names: Herba Jon, John's Wort, Fuga Daemonum, Goat Weed, Tipton Weed, Amber, Klamath Weed
Gender: Hot
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Part Used: The herb
Basic Powers: Protection, Exorcism
Specific Uses: Hang around the neck to ward off fevers. Burn to banish and exorcise spirits. Pass the herb through the smoke of the Midsummer Eve's fire and then hang up in the house as a protection. At one time this herb was held to the mouths of accused Witches to make them confess. Wear the herb to make you invincible in war and battles of all kinds. Bear St. John's Wort to strengthen your will.