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Intro to Magick
by ChezNips

Magick is defined by Aleister Crowley as "the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with the will." It was Aleister Crowley who also added the k to magick to differentiate the difference between stage illusion and trickery from the true esoteric practice and study of the occultic arts. Magick in current times incorporates many styles and variations, from the creation of reality to High ritualistic styles of groups such as the Gold Dawn and the O.T.O. to voodoun, Chaos, elemental and enochian magick to name but a few.

To make magick a little easier to understand, the styles are divided into 2 general groups:

High Magick is often said to be directed to complete "the Great Work" with very precise parameters. The mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits and the use of rituals and ceremony including casting circles and quarters. High Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal. This was practiced since the middle ages by the more educated and those with a higher station in life who had more time for the rigorous discipline and ritual required. In its highest sense, High Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self. Also known as Ceremonial Magick, Ritual Magick, Theurgic Magick or Theurgy, High Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms: Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic.

Low Magick would be more simplistic and natural. Low magick concentrates more on the everyday and natural aspects of life rather than the more ritualistic High Magick in order to effect changes in material, emotional, or mental states. The use of herbs, aromas and stones included in most folk magick is included in this field, as is the use of other natural items such as bark, feather, hair and bones, whether used in sympathetic magick or for other purposes.