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Location of the Subconscious Mind
by ChezNips

There has been arguement amongst psychologists on where the subconscious mind is located. The complexity of the subconscious mind is more so complicated when we introduce the questions on how the soul is connected to the brain or goes far beyond the physical aspects. My point of view is that the brain is only the physical manifestation of the mind. The mind needs the brain for its biological functions and when life ceases, we don't die, we can go on when the soul is released from the human shell.

In learning Huna, polynesian shamanism, we are divided into 3 selves, the higher, medium and lower selfs corresponding to the soul, conscious mind and subconscious mind. The way huna students are taught to connect to the higherself or soul is only through the lower self or subconscious mind. Its only through the subconscious mind that generates the grades of energy for the higherself that can carry the intent to the higherself to make that rapport or connection. The conscious mind isn't capable of doing that without the aid of the subconscious. It sounds confusing on the surface but once you understand the functions and limitations of the selves, its very simple. The point of brining up Huna is to demonstrate that my belief that the subconscious mind is really just a bridge between the conscious/physical selves to the soul/superconscious/paranormal/metaphysical and energy selves.

Just as we can't see heat or cold, we also cannot see the conscious or subconscious minds but we can trace them to their source and establish its exhistance by its interactions. By observing the results of injuries and lesions in various parts of the brain, scientists have concluded that the mind is a result of brain activity and without hte brain there is no mind. As stated previously, I don't completely buy into that idea, however it does help in mapping the location of areas that function at a conscious level of awareness and those that function at a subconscious or involuntary level.

The conscous mind is equated with the thinking and reasoning area located in the extreme frontal area. It's also identified with the somnic nervous system. This system enervates the voluntary muscles who's controlling force lies in the cerebral cortex and outer coating of the brain. The lateral strip across the top of the head at the front portion of the partietal lobe of the cerebral cortex receives information from the senses. The area that controls voluntary movements is located at the back of the frontal lobe.

The thalamus, located at the base of the cerebrum is where the first awareness of crude sensations are registered. Its interactions with the sensation-receiving area of the cortex adjusts the intensity of feeling. Intense suffering and pain would result from a mere pin prick and the weight and pressure of wearing clothing would be unbearable if not for the nerve connections between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. These make up the physical components of the conscious mind.

The subconscious mind is identified with the autonomic nervous system. The principal components of the subconscious mind are located in the hypothalamus portion of the cerebellum and temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. The areas of the brain that control and regulate the involuntary muscles such as those of the heart, lungs, digestive system and glandular system all fall into the activity of the subconscious mind. The subconscious is also associated with memory storage in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex, located near the temple.

Surgeons have discovered that by stimulating tiny nerve cells, they can release memories in the most minute of details. The stimulation activates cell patterns which have been previously sensitized to retain impressions. When stimulation of these tiny areas is ceased, the memory ends. When stimulation is re-applied, the memory is recalled again from the very beginning as if it was a recording made on a mechanical device, its not started from the point of leaving off. The theory is that every impression from our senses is retained by chemical changes in groups of brain cells and that when conditions or stimulation occurs, these impressions can be brought back to conscious awareness.

There cerebelllum, also associated with the subconscious mind, is located in the back of the brain stem where chain motor responses are stored. These are responses learned by trial and error as we grow. Operating below the level of consciousness, it coordinates and blends movements of voluntary muscles. The conscious mind (frontal lobe of the cortex) directs these movements and the cerebellum gives detailed instructions to the muscles which enables them to efficiently operate. Bodily motions become jerky and uncoordinated when the cerebellum is injured.

Buried deep in the brain, the hypothalamus directs much of our subconscious activity simply because emotion triggers its action or release of brain chemicals. When we become emotional, a myraid of reactions could occur such as a release of adrenaline, raise in heart beat, blood pressure, increase of blood sugar to name a few examples. The hypothalamus is the integrating center for the autonomic nervous system. Under its control are also things like body temperature, water retention and blood sugar by regulation of glandular secretion in the blood. It directs the body's rhytgems and energy, activity and rest, appetite and digestion, sexual desire and menstrual cycles. When normal activities are disrupted by abnormal or prolonged emotional disturbances, it cauaes a chain reaction in bodily functions which result in mental or physical illness or both. The hypothalamus directs more of our subconscious activity then any other area of the brain.

Knowing this information doesn't give us any real advantage in being able to let go and relax or to control our abilities except that psi can be learned by anyone. The way Psi is taught on the psi palatium is a conscious activity and in conditioning ourselves, we begin to form neuro pathways with repeated use. which starts to put it into the subconscious and spontaneous category. It also demonstrated some of the why's and whatfor's of learning to be neutral and to control emotions and therefor having control over our physical bodies. In the past, it was thought that we had no conscious control over these subconscious areas but through hypnosis, bio-feedback and meditation, we can gain a conscious control. It is also important that one doesn't get caught up in arguing semantics of how things work or why but that they simply do.